Angry Monkey Agency Investors


Angry Monkey Agency is a private USA company mainly serving businesses in USA and Lebanon.

Invested big in our inhouse advanced and modern web-based system, we’re ready to serve clients all around the world.

Country Based Investments

Going big in a country requires physical presence and here where you can invest in the country of your choice and get your shares in the Agency.


You are welcome to contact us at the below email.

[email protected]


Innovation and innovation and innovation, a key success to grow bigger, stable, with no drawbacks
We're already working on bringing advanced technologies into our work such as AI, Automation, Blockchain, and the power of the Cloud


We're building the most advanced business assistant to serve the highest number of clients in a fast and professional way. So a client can get the answers or actions he requested without the interference of a human, such as "Stop promoting my last campaign on Facebook but keep it going on Instagram."


We're transforming our work into automated processes, so each member could do more.


We're investing, and we'll keep investing in our cloud services so that we offer the best for our clients on the development level which includes Performance, Security, and Safety.